MAN…JUST HAD 2 TELL YA! Miss Nicole is just comin’ rite along..I mean nothing lightening fast, but always a progression. She is taking a few words at a time, a few times a day..and whispering them out. Today, she decided on her own to undo the velcro belt across her lap in the wheel chair, then stood up…YA KNOW…with no one around to help catch her if she took a dive!!! YIKES!!! They are slowly changing her environment…”Stimulation” bright sunshine in her room, going out to the large community room where there’s a bunch of real big windows that show off the city from just about every angle, she looks at that and enjoys it. If she’s not ready to leave when you start to wheel her chair, she’ll grab onto the wheel real fast, to stop the chair. …..Just some good stuff…have a good week…BETTA DAYZ 2 U. Thanks for everything, Kolpacks.