update July 17

MAN OH MAN, our girl is really surprising us and her staff at the rehab center!! We are all thrilled because she is all but talking….she whispers like we do and says 1 or 2 words then takes a breath then another 1 or 2 words, then another breath, then finishes what she has to say…it’s soooooo coooool !!! Take it from one who knows! We: me, Glenn and our 2 kids today were talking and eating some chocolate candy bar…somebody said something funny and one person laughed, then another, then another, then Nicole came out with a real laugh…a REAL LAUGH! Then we looked at her and laughed, then she laughed again, then she laughed again!! For all 4 of us Kolpacks laughing together again..like we used to…This was just the medicine me and her daddy and her brother and her needed. Then we called some relatives on the speaker phone and let Nicole say Hi or leave them a message and say their name for them. Dr. Father Glenn was tryin to test the waters…said “Nicole, mom’s cell ph number is …ah…i…think ….7 4 3… and what?’ She whispered the correct remaining numbers to him!!! She is no longer considered in a coma. She is no longer considered emerging from a coma. She is considered in recovery. She is slow. She is a bit unsteady at times. She is doing it. MAN Friends, this is some goooood livin’ real good livin..betta days. So tonight….I pray for YOU. To return the favor, you are doing it for us. We love you for it..Kolpacks :)

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